Whitewash reviewed on Filmoria

“When the mo­vie star­ted, I im­me­dia­te­ly thought two things. First, that Tho­mas Ha­den Church has the best voice for nar­ra­tion of any ac­tor of his ge­ne­ra­tion. And se­cond, the sound de­si­gn in this mo­vie is ama­zing. Blen­ding subtle, na­tu­ra­lis­tic film ma­king and a sty­li­zed sound de­si­gn which makes eve­ry mo­ve­ment heard seem more dra­ma­tic, the film im­me­dia­te­ly creates an al­most un­com­for­table in­ti­ma­cy bet­ween the au­dience and Bruce, like we’re ac­com­plices of his crimes. But it al­so helps to break the ice, ex­cuse the pun, and al­low us to laugh im­me­dia­te­ly at the ve­ry dark hu­mor being thrown at us.”

Les­ley Cof­fin, Fil­mo­ria, April 20, 2013.