Workshops & Lectures

Eve­ry year, Oli­vier Cal­vert is in­vi­ted to present and dis­cuss his work. Here is a list of those pre­sen­ta­tions.

« Le­çon de ci­né­ma, la concep­tion so­nore  »
10es ren­contres in­ter­na­tio­nales du ci­né­ma d'animation, Wis­sem­bourg
France No­vem­ber 25, 2014
« La part du son  »
Ren­contre pro­fes­sion­nelle sur l'écriture du ci­né­ma d'animation, Ab­baye de Fon­te­vraud
France Oc­to­ber 3, 2014
« Étude de cas : Ré­flexion »
Mee­ting which took place du­ring the Crea­tive Fo­cus of the An­ne­cy In­ter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ted Film Fes­ti­val.
An­ne­cy June 15, 2013
« Table ronde sur le son en ci­né­ma »
Round-table confe­rence or­ga­ni­zed by Ci­ne­zik du­ring the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val.
Cannes May 19, 2013
« La concep­tion so­nore en ani­ma­tion »
Work­shop gi­ven at the Ci­né­ma­thèque qué­bé­coise du­ring the Som­mets du ci­né­ma d’animation.
Mon­treal De­cem­ber 3, 2010
« Le son comme ou­til nar­ra­tif en ci­né­ma d’animation »
Pre­sen­ta­tion de­li­ve­red at the INIS for the stu­dents of the ani­ma­tion script wri­ting stu­dy pro­gram.
Mon­treal No­vem­ber 3, 2010
« L’environnement so­nore au ci­né­ma »
Pre­sen­ta­tion de­li­ve­red at the Re­gard sur le court mé­trage fes­ti­val.
Sa­gue­nay March 13, 2010
« Ou­tils et étapes du mon­tage so­nore »
Pre­sen­ta­tion de­li­ve­red at the INIS for the Ma­ki­la Col­lec­tive.
Mon­treal De­cem­ber 6, 2008
« Mé­thodes et ou­tils de mes concep­tions so­nores en ci­né­ma d’animation »
Mas­ter­class gi­ven at the Uni­ver­si­té de Mont­réal for the La créa­tion so­nore re­search la­bo­ra­to­ry.
Mon­treal No­vem­ber 24, 2008
« Le son comme ou­til nar­ra­tif en ci­né­ma d’animation »
Pre­sen­ta­tion de­li­ve­red at the INIS for the stu­dents of the ani­ma­tion script wri­ting stu­dy pro­gram.
Mon­treal April 30, 2007