Awards & Recognition

The work of Oli­vier Cal­vert has re­cei­ved great re­cog­ni­tion in Ca­na­da and abroad. Here is a list of awards he has won through the years.

2017 Sound de­si­gner in Syl­vain Bellemare's team, Best Sound Edi­ting Os­car Win­ner Ar­ri­val
2017 Best Sound, Win­ter Apri­cots Film Fes­ti­val (Ma­ce­do­nia) Hedgehog's Home
2017 Best Sound Edi­ting, Ana­to­my In­ter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (Greece) La Voce
2016 Best Sound, Pla­nos Film Fes­ti­val (Por­tu­gal) La Voce
2016 Best Sound, Ot­ta­wa Iner­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­tion Fes­ti­val (Ca­na­da) Squame
2015 Best Sound, Prends ça court (Qué­bec) Hell Runs on Ga­zo­line
2014 Best Sound De­si­gn, Ani­ma­ted Dreams (Es­to­nia) Pi­lots on the Way Home
2014 Best Sound, Ani­mage Fes­ti­val (Bra­zil) Pi­lots on the Way Home
2012 Best Sound De­si­gn, 24fps Short Film Fes­ti­val (USA) Trot­teur
2012 Best Sound, Ani­mage Fes­ti­val (Bra­zil) Here and the Great El­sew­here
2011 Gé­meaux award for Best Sound (Do­cu­men­ta­ry Fea­ture) La part d’ombre
2009 Best Sound, Fan­toche Ani­ma­tion Fes­ti­val (Swit­zer­land) Drux Flux
2009 Ju­tra award for Best Sound Ba­bine
2008 Ju­tra award for Best Sound Silk
2006 Ge­nie award for Best Achie­ve­ment in Sound Edi­ting Mau­rice Ri­chard
2002 Best Sound Edi­ting, Fan­ta­sia Les ra­mo­neurs cé­ré­braux
2002 Best Sound, Fear­less Tales Genre Fest (USA) Les ra­mo­neurs cé­ré­braux